Lesson 19

Lesson 19

How can I support my husband’s accountability?

If someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently … Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”Galatians 6:1-2

The Bible tells us that we are part of the body of Christ to support one another in our struggles with sin so that we can be cleansed from anything that hinders our relationship with the Savior.  The only way to carry each other’s burdens is to bring the sin into the light so that it can be addressed.  Once the truth emerges, steps must be taken to establish boundaries from temptation that include setting up accountability partners.  For most men, that means regularly connecting with other men who will hold them accountable.

Rebecca’s husband set up accountability plans with his pastor, as well as with the man who guided him through a Bible study for men on sexual purity.  Then he asked Rebecca if she would be an accountability partner with him in their home.  Although she was in emotional pain, she was thrilled that he trusted her enough to invite her into his recovery plan.  Each of his accountability partners was free to ask him about his purity.  More importantly, he had arranged with these strong people in his life that he could contact them when he was tempted.  He also selected an appropriate verse and rewrote it for himself to recite when he needed it: I will not be wise in my own eyes: I will fear the lord and depart from evil.  (Proverbs 3:7)

Suggested prayer:  Dear God, please guide our steps as I seek to share my husband’s burdens by helping him set up necessary accountability boundaries. Let me be an encourager in his fight to combat sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What is your husband’s accountability plan?  How can you support his plan for recovery and freedom?