Lesson 97

Lesson 97

How Can I Resist Judging And Leave It To A Righteous God?

For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”1 Thessalonians 5:9

Justice for wrongs may never feel fully fair or equitable, but justice for a Christian is entirely changed through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins. Not only can we be forgiven for our sins, mistakes, and omissions, but those who sin against us also have the opportunity to accept the free gift of God and ultimately escape judgment for wrongdoing.

Beth pondered the greatness of God’s plan. “God is holy, yet He created the most perfect way out from the snares of sin and death without compromising His righteousness. His mercy and grace are not in spite of His justice, but because of it. He loved us so much that despite the fact that our sin demands death, He sent His Son to be our substitute upon the cross, thus demonstrating that His justice was not violated, but instead satisfied. We are promised that someday, when Christ physically reigns on earth, God’s righteous justice will finally be on full display.”

Beth continued, “Related to what I wrote above, we can find comfort and even joy in the fact that God is a righteous judge. He shows mercy to His children and brings justice to those who do evil. Being made in God’s image, my heart longs for justice as well, but rather than resorting to anger or despair, I can rest and rejoice in casting those cares on the Lord and knowing that I don’t have to carry the burden of judging others. I delight in the holiness of the Lord and pray that His holiness is manifested in me.”

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, comfort my heart as I seek to keep my eyes on You and resist judging others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  How does God’s Word give you peace when it is tempting to hold a grudge against another?