Lesson 17

Lesson 17

What should I do with the evidence of my husband’s sin?

If one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this:  Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.”James 5:19-20

Talking with your husband when you find evidence of his sexual sin is not easy.  It’s also very upsetting to uncover deception in marriage, often resulting in mental anguish or fear about what his response to the evidence will be.  However, it is spiritually important to help him get rid of sin because it has eternal implications as well as negative effects on your marriage.

Kay began to unravel the lies when she discovered her husband’s stash of pornography.  Addressing the evidence, she woke him from a nap and showed the items to him.   “He couldn’t deny what I found.  I made him take the DVDs outside that night and burn them in my presence.  I gave him a week to come up with a plan of action and urged him to call our pastor for a referral for marital counseling.”  She regretted her lack of prayer and her spirit of anger, yet she believed God led her to uncover what her husband had been hiding.  “God has been good to redeem my bad attitude,” she said.  “Facing the truth led to finding a great Christian marriage counselor and was the beginning of our step-by-step approach to reconciliation and redemption.”

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, Give me courage to follow Your ways so that You can work in me and through me.  Help me to speak the truth in love as we deal with this sin issue in our marriage. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner: How are you overcoming your anger or fears to address the truth of the evidence with your husband in a godly way?