Lesson 100

Lesson 100

Does Restoration Require Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles?

After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”1 Peter 5:10

Godly restoration of a marriage requires that both spouses are committed to a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. While a wife can hope and pray that her husband separates himself from sexual impurity, the marriage will not be fully restored until he takes the step to yield his life to the Lord. It is unfortunate that most husbands cannot exit their habitual sexual sins on their own, but ultimately the impurity requires that Christ enter into their situation and that He becomes the key to healing and restoration.

“Building up your marriage implies that a marriage takes work and that it’s something we need to continue working on. In fact, it’s never going to be a completely finished project,” Danielle realized. “That has definitely been my experience! I think of it much like our physical bodies. If we eat well and exercise regularly until we accomplish the body we want but then stop taking care of it, it won’t be long before we begin to lose whatever shape, strength, and flexibility we gained.”

Danielle continued telling her story. “My husband began what appeared to be a much more genuine walk with the Lord. He started to spend time alone in prayer every morning and also joined me for a daily devotional time. With God’s help, he is learning to be more open and honest in communication which is of utmost importance to me. God never fails. How thankful I am that He doesn’t grow weary of dealing with us.”

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, help us never to tire from walking in your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What is one new spiritual habit you plan to keep using in the future?