Lesson 99

Lesson 99

What If My Husband Struggles On The Way To Restoration?

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you.”Psalm 51:12

Restoration will sometimes be a long process of forgiveness, rebuilding trust, and developing godly habits with one another in marriage. For many men who have previously been involved in sexual impurity, the road is bumpy, winding, and steep making the trip for his wife an adventure she never anticipated having. The most important aspect of the journey is the spiritual development of each partner, no matter where they were in their relationship with Christ before the impurity was revealed. Restoration is not just a point to be achieved, but a process of discovering what God has in store for them together in Him.

Kristi remembers well their journey to restoration through a lot of twists and turns. “When my husband made his decision to choose Christ over pornography, he spent time taking an online men’s Bible study and joined a men’s accountability group. After he completed the online lessons, he wanted to do them all over again because it was just beginning to sink in to him. While I was surprised at the gusto with which he approached his Bible study, it was wonderful to see that he was more kind and considerate around the house.”

Kristi’s husband struggled on his path to restoration. “When my husband fell back into incidences of impurity, it was fairly evident that he was struggling simply by watching his attitudes. It took a few years to witness his freedom in his actions and words. He felt called to share God’s Word with other men, so he signed up at church to teach men’s purity courses. I find it rewarding to see him prepare to teach and sit quietly to read Scripture. I’m glad I stayed through the process of restoration, although it was not an easy road.”

Suggested prayer: Lord, help us to discover what You have in store for us together as we abide in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  How is God showing you that He could use your marriage struggle to help others?