Lesson 67

Lesson 67

How Can My Husband And I Grow Spiritually As A Couple?

Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.”1 Timothy 4:7

Spiritual disciplines are activities that we undertake to help us grow closer to the Savior, as well as to become more like Him. He gives us salvation; spiritual disciplines are an outgrowth of that relationship with the Lord. He taught us spiritual disciplines: prayer, meditation, serving others, giving grace, gathering with other believers, sharing the gospel, fasting, and stewardship. Like physical exercise helps us become healthier and stronger, spiritual exercises help us build muscles to become spiritually healthier and stronger.

Danielle is academically minded and she has loved to delve into Scripture as part of a study group. First she was a member of a Bible study group, and then later became the leader for an extended period of time. She prayed alone regularly and she knew her husband read the Bible and prayed, too. “When my husband and I were going through our greatest time of struggle, I realized that we needed to spend time in the Word and praying together. Until that time, we had each had our own devotional time, but this wasn’t something we shared. Now we do both and God has clearly blessed this commitment. Not only has there been much healing in our relationship, but it also appears that we have both grown in our own personal relationship with God. While my husband was very proud of the fact that he had read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation every year for several decades, he would now agree that he didn’t really digest much of what he read and that he didn’t live in obedience to it. That has changed as we’ve spent time discussing Scripture in our devotional time together and our individual prayer lives have become much deeper.”

Suggested prayer:  Dear Lord, show me how You want me to exercise my spiritual disciplines to grow in You, especially in my marriage. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What spiritual disciplines do you find easier to accomplish?