Lesson 70

Lesson 70

How Do I Address Issues With My Husband In A Biblical Way?

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”2 Timothy 3:16-17

There is no greater foundation for one’s faith and life than the Word of God. No matter how society looks at some behaviors, the deciding factor is how it measures up to what is laid out in Scripture. Throughout the Bible, there are people, including heroes of the faith, who made mistakes, committed sins, and followed selfish desires. It’s no different now than it was then; people can get caught up in thoughts, words, and deeds that are not honoring to God. We must sometimes have hard conversations with loved ones to encourage them to align their lives with Christian principles. Doing so is a demonstration of love and care so that the believer will follow Jesus and hopefully avoid taking the wrong path.

Danielle recalls: “Early in the trauma of my husband’s sexual betrayal, we hosted overnight a missionary couple we had known for years. One evening, we sat down for a visit and the husband asked how we were doing. My husband shocked me by blurting out the whole sordid story of his sexual sin and the difficulties we were going through because of it. The couple was gracious and loving in their response, but I was horrified, embarrassed, and hurt. After their departure, I told him how hurtful his words had been and discussed the need for discretion. He had misunderstood my request for us to be completely open and honest in communications with one another and thought it was okay to be that open with anyone and everyone. We talked about it calmly and he has been very careful ever since.”

Suggested prayer:  Dear Lord, help me to lovingly deliver a rebuke when You call upon me to do so. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  How could a loving rebuke help your husband walk closer to God? Are you willing to present a rebuke in a biblical way?