Lesson 92

Lesson 92

How Should I Seek God’s Plan For Our Future?

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”Romans 15:13

There are motivational speakers who suggest that we should plan our lives. Setting goals can be a good idea when those goals are based on God’s leading, giving consideration to our strengths that are gifts from Him. However, setting earthly goals based on personal desires for more money, power, and success will not bring satisfaction for a life well lived if it is apart from God’s plan for your future.

Kristi gained a lot of wisdom about God’s will from the Bible and godly leaders. “God’s will is in three parts, from what I can see: The contents of God’s will as written in His Word, especially His commandments that are not open for debate but are intended for obedience. Then there are our personal life decisions that should be a matter of prayer, watching for God’s leading to help us make the best decisions. This would include work training for a future occupation and the selection of your spouse. Then there are some decisions for which God has given us a brain to decide, such as having peas or beans with dinner.”

Following God’s will gave Kristi hope. “During the dark days of our situation, I lost hope in the future of our marriage and in any kind of happiness that could be ahead. At times I was in despair and at other times I was angry. All the plans we had made for the future seemed cut off. However, as I saw God work in my husband’s life, I began to hope again. The future outlook was nothing like it had been before, but it was kind of like a new adventure. God has given us new a new purpose and plans that include Him.”

Suggested prayer: Lord, give us new plans that include You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  How does leaning on God for your future give you hope?