Lesson 95

Lesson 95

How Can I Praise The Lord And Rejoice In My Marriage?

Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the one Wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”Jude 1:24-25

“It is so easy to feel disappointment in this life, isn’t it?” asked Kay. “The cares of the world, the horrors of sin (both close to home and far away) seem to pull us away from our Father. These verses from Jude are a great reminder that our God cares about us. Every moment we have with Him is a gift. His righteousness supersedes my sin and the sin of the world. I rejoice in His goodness to us.”

Kay went on. “When God began healing me, I remember thinking that I was going to do anything and everything possible to try to salvage my marriage. I was a driven person and God used this to keep me on His righteous path. When we wives are hurting, we must resolve to serve our Lord and Savior and look to Him for our answers rather than wallow in our hurt. God led us every day and slowly began healing us both. Thank you, Lord!”

Kay remains confident that God cannot let her down because of His promises and the fact that she has experienced His presence throughout some very difficult times. “One of the best ways to help others rejoice is to be a good example. For those who are watching our marriages and us as wives, they want to see how we live out what we believe. Are we respectful in tone about our husbands? Are we loving? How did we overcome the struggles in our marriage? It’s true that when we are suffering, we become more aware of God’s strength in our lives. That makes it imperative to praise and thank Him.”

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be completely committed to serving You, even in the tough times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What is the greatest thing that you can praise God for?