Lesson 29

Lesson 29

How will biblical counseling help us?

By wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.”Proverbs 24:6

The purpose of godly counsel is to dig into the hearts of those who want to follow Christ, then help them understand and change those areas of their lives that are not pleasing to God. “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22) Some advantages of biblical counseling include the fact that it uses God’s advice and not man’s to bring about spiritual maturity, it demonstrates Christlikeness, and it helps get rid of sins that interfere with a marriage glorifying God.

Fighting the battle against the enemy’s influence is never easy, but with wise counsel a person’s heart and mind can be redirected from sin to victory. When a couple is seeking godly advice together, they will gain all the benefits commensurate with the efforts they put into it. That includes practicing what they have learned.

Kay knew their marriage needed to be mended and she wanted to do her part well. “I worked at implementing wise advice from our marriage counselor by taking notes during our counseling sessions. I wrote down instructions he gave us for homework and made sure I did it. I took it all very seriously and I’m sure our counselor (and my husband) could tell. Looking back at the notes helped me between appointments.” Many couples with restored marriages give credit to the godly counsel they received. By being obedient to God’s Word, their marriages are better than ever.

Suggested prayer: Lord, lead me to godly counsel and wisdom. Help me to follow Your Word and live out my faith to honor and glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  Why do you believe that godly counsel should be a significant part of the plan to eliminate sexual impurity and restore your marriage?