Lesson 41

Lesson 41

Can I find peace when things are in turmoil?

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!”Isaiah 26:3

Marriage was God’s idea. By His design, a man and a woman are joined in a marriage partnership intended to mirror Christ’s relationship with His church. Its purpose is more about holiness than happiness as the couple teams up to create a home and family that honors God. There is no better place on earth for the enemy to try to disrupt lives through discord, discouragement, and disorder. Add in some selfish desires and sins of the flesh and the earlier harmony of the marriage falls into disarray and turmoil. Both the offender and the offended must decide whether or not to follow God’s way to please Him.

After Kaye found out her husband had been engaging in pornography and masturbation, she knew they had to get into marriage counseling. She expected to hear a list of all the ways she needed to change to make her marriage work. Instead the counselor asked her what she really wanted in her life. “Peace and joy,” was her simple answer. “I was surprised when he told me to pray for peace and joy each morning, then let the Spirit work in my life. Focusing on the fruit of the Spirit was much healthier for me spiritually and emotionally than focusing on all that was wrong in our relationship. I prayed that prayer each day for many months and I could see that it really helped me heal. Our marriage got better as we chose to follow biblical guidance instead of the remedies of this world.”

“Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” (James 3:18)

Suggested prayer:  Lord, my desire is to honor You in my life and in my marriage. Help me to choose Christ-centered thoughts and actions in all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What do you really want in your life that will honor God and bring healing to your heart?