Lesson 60

Lesson 60

I Married A Christian, So How Could This Happen To Me?

Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love.”Jonah 2:8

Jennifer grew up in a home with parents in a dysfunctional marriage. She was determined that her marriage would be different than what she had witnessed through the years. It was a high priority for her to select the right Christian man to guarantee that her life would be different. When she got married to a pastor, she felt sure that she was headed for the heavenly kind of marriage she had read about in the Bible.

“The Lord revealed to me that I had made an idol of my marriage,” she admitted. “This was one of the many things the Lord revealed to me when my husband’s issue was discovered. In fact, I idolized it so much that marrying a pastor was my key to not having the same dysfunctional marriage as my parents have. I thought I had everything in control and had bought the ticket to a betrayal-free life.”

As they struggled separately and together over her husband’s sexual sin, they became involved in a healing ministry for wounded people. “It was during the early season of healing that the Lord revealed to my heart that I have placed my trust in my husband rather than in Him. The Lord started healing us individually (and performed what might as well be heart surgery) when He took off my blinders and gently turned my face toward Him, even as I was processing the pain of betrayal.”

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, only You are perfect and I am not. Give me clear vision to follow You and take off my blinders to vain idols. I want Your steadfast love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Information for your prayer partner:  What is your experience teaching you about God?